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Previous Editions



  • Quantum transport – C. Beenakker (Leiden, Netherlands)
  • Topological phases – A. Grushin (Grenoble, France)
  • Open quantum systems – Anja Metelmann (Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • Mesoscopic superconductivity – Sophie Guéron (Paris, France)
  • Circuit QED – Zaki Leghtas (Paris, France)
  • Quantum materials – Vidya Madhavan (Urbana-Champaign, USA)


Natalia Chepiga (Netherlands), Silvano De Francheschi (France), Maria Gastiasoro (Spain), Yaroslav Herasymenko (Netherlands), Christophe Mora (France), Silke Paschen (Austria), Marta Pita-Vidal (Switzerland).


Sebastien Bergeret – DIPC, CFM/CSIC (Spain)
Julia Meyer – Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
Jörg Schmalian – KIT (Germany)
Christian Schönenberger – University of Basel (Switzerland)
Gary Steele – TU Delft (Netherlands)


Recordings of the lectures and seminars can be found here:

Recordings Les Houches Frontiers of Condensed Matter 2024



  • Quantum transport – C. Beenakker (Leiden, Netherlands)
  • Topological phases – A. Grushin (Grenoble, France)
  • Quantum information – R. Orus (San Sebastian, Spain)
  • Superconductivity – J. Schmalian (Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • Circuit QED – B. Huard (Lyon, France)
  • 2D materials – D. Efetov (Munich, Germany)

Seminar speakers

Natalia Ares (Oxford, UK), Jean-Pascal Brison (Grenoble, France), Piet Brouwer (Berlin, Germany), Sophie Guéron (Paris-Saclay, France), Elke Scheer (Konstanz, Germany), James Wootton (Zurich, Switzerland) + organizers

Partner Institutions

Ecole Doctorale de Physique de Grenoble (France)
Casimir Research School of Delft-Leiden (Netherlands)
Donostia International Physics Center (Spain)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
Swiss Nanoscience Institute (Switzerland)



  • Quantum transport – Y. Nazarov (Delft, Netherlands)
  • Topological phases – M. Houzet (Grenoble, France)
  • Quantum information – R. Orus (San Sebastian, Spain)
  • Nanomagnetism – W. Wernsdorfer (Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • Quantum thermodynamics – J. Pekola (Aalto, Finland)
  • Strongly correlated systems – L. Fritz (Utrecht, Netherlands),


Sebastian Bergeret (San Sebastian, Spain), Hélène Bouchiat (Paris, France), Pierre Delplace (Lyon, France), Ewelina Hankiewicz (Würzburg, Germany), Matthieu Le Tacon (Karlsruhe, Germany), Nicolas Roch (Grenoble, France), Felix von Oppen (Berlin, Germany), Wulf Wulfhekel (Karlsruhe, Germany)

Partner Institutions

Ecole Doctorale de Physique de Grenoble (France)
Casimir Research School of Delft-Leiden (Netherlands)
Donostia International Physics Center (Spain)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)



  • Strongly correlated systems – L. Fritz (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • Topological phases – M. Houzet (Grenoble, France)
  • Quantum transport – Y. Nazarov (Delft, Netherlands & “chaire d’excellence” Grenoble)
  • Quantum information – R. Orus (Mainz, Germany)
  • Quantum thermodynamics – J. Pekola (Aalto, Finland & “chaire d’excellence” Grenoble)
  • Nanomechanics – G. Steele (Delft, Netherlands)


C. Bäuerle (Grenoble, France), P. Bertet (Saclay, France), J.-M. Gérard (Grenoble, France), T. Oosterkamp (Leiden, Netherlands), J.I. Pascual (San Sebastian, Spain), F. Pierre (Marcoussis, France), H. Pothier (Saclay, France), E. van Heumen (Amsterdam, Netherlands), R. Whitney (Grenoble, France)

Partner Institutions

Ecole Doctorale de Physique de Grenoble (France)
Casimir Research School of Delft-Leiden (Netherlands)
Donostia International Physics (Spain)



  • Strongly correlated systems – L. Fritz (Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • Topological phases – J. Meyer (Grenoble, France)
  • Quantum transport – Y. Nazarov (Delft, Netherlands & “chaire d’excellence” Grenoble)
  • Quantum thermodynamics – J. Pekola (Aalto, Finland & “chaire d’excellence” Grenoble)
  • Nanomechanics – F. Pistolesi (Bordeaux, France)
  • Transport in hybrid systems – S. Bergeret (San Sebastian, Spain)


D. Basko (Grenoble, France), C. Bäuerle (Grenoble, France), S.-A. Biehs (Oldenburg, Germany), P. Brouwer (Berlin, Germany), P. Degiovanni (Lyon, France), F. Giazotto (Pisa, Italy), W. Guichard (Grenoble, France), J. van Ruitenbeek (Leiden, Netherlands), V. Vitelli (Leiden, Netherlands)

Partner Institutions

Ecole Doctorale de Physique de Grenoble (France)
Casimir Research School of Delft-Leiden (Netherlands)
Donostia International Physics (Spain)

2014 (San Sebastian)


  • Quantum Information – Leo DiCarlo
  • Topological Phases – J. Meyer
  • Quantum Transport – Y. Nazarov
  • Nanomechanics – F. Pistolesi
  • Quantum Point Contacts – A. Levi Yeyati
  • Strongly-Correlated Systems – J. Zaanen



  • Scattering approach to quantum transport – Y. Nazarov
  • Decoherence & dissipation – G. Schön
  • Mesoscopic superconductivity – T. Klapwijk
  • Topological phases – J. Meyer
  • Quantum information – L. DiCarlo
  • Spins in semiconductor nanostructures – D. Ferrand


A. Minguzzi, V. Vitelli, I. Safi, P. Degiovanni, S. Bergeret, S. Frolov, J. van Ruitenbeek, J. Gomez-Rivas, S. Florens, T. Meunier



  • Mesoscopic transport (J.S. Meyer, Grenoble)
  • Mesoscopic superconductivity (T.M. Klapwijk, Delft)
  • Quantum optics (J.M. Gérard, Grenoble)
  • Decoherence & dissipation (G. Schön, Karlsruhe)
  • Coulomb blockade and Kondo effect (J. von Delft, Munich)
  • Quantum Information (L. DiCarlo, Delft)


P. Holdsworth (Lyon) – The surprising story of the Coulomb gas physics of spin ice
M.H. Julien (Grenoble) – Introduction to electronic liquid crystal phases in correlated systems
D. Khmelnitskii (Cambridge) – Taylor Instability and Ship Waves: Fairy Tale # 8
F. Marquardt (Erlangen) – Trends in nanomechanics
A. Mermet (Lyon) – Acoustic vibrations at the nanometer scale : from nanoparticles to glasses
S. Otte (Delft) – All-electric control of single atom spin states
B.Reulet (Sherbrooke) – Transport and noise at finite frequency in nanostructures
W. Wernsdorfer (Grenoble) – Molecular Magnets
M. Wimmer (Leiden) – Majorana fermions in topological superconductors